Stem Cell Scalp Therapy

da... Singapore!!

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  1. |O_o|

    User deleted

    L'hanno appena postato su hairsite... che ne dite? Sembra interessante!
  2. bertinotti1

    User deleted

    Ottimo lavoro Oo...credo che sia il primo trattamento in commercio che utilizza cellule staminali!
    Occorrerebbero più notizie per poter commentare...
  3. bertinotti1

    User deleted

    Oo non ci si kaca nessuno...
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    Advanced Member


    grazie della segnalazione lool, ho dato un'occhiatina e mi si è acceso subito l'allarme anti bufala.. se non ho capito male dicono che il loro metodo si puo usare topicamente o con delle iniezioni (gia questo..) sono decisamente prudenti nel riportare risultati (ti dicono che puo ricrescere qualcosa, ma puntano molto sul miglioramento di qualità del capello).. mah.. poi la foto prima e dopo è ridicola.

  5. pat2

    User deleted

    concordo con cripto.

    il prodotto che viene proposto non utilizza le staminali, ma proteine estratte dalle staminali utilizzate come fattori di crescita. tant'e' che lo propongono anche come topico. staminali per via topica mi sembra esagerato.

    sarebbe bellissimo.
    purtroppo aziende molto piu' blasonate sono ancora in alto mare su questa metodologia.
    e' una bufala.

  6. atob

    User deleted perchè? sarà qualcuno che lo proverà!...così si perde tutto l'interesse di seguire questo nuovo già diciamo che è una bufala.
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    Advanced Member


    atob, dopo anni passati sui forum, le bufale si cominciano a fiutare abbastanza da lontano.

    In ogni caso, qui nessuno è onnisciente, ci si puo tranquillamente sbagliare.. ma se quando dico la mia devo stare pure a preoccuparmi se qualcuno perde o meno entusiasmo, sto fresco.

    poi, indipendentemente da tutto, qualcuno che lo proverà ci sarà.. come qualcuno ha comprato il flex a 500 dollari, o il Ru a peso d'oro, o che ha dato soldi a bazan per la sua procedura improvvisata, o che ha speso 20 dollari per il libro che contiene il segreto per curare l'a.a. o che lascia migliaia di euro a centri tricologici che promettono di curarti.. ecc.. guarda potrei andare avanti per ore.

    quindi indipendentemente da quello che diciamo qui, se funzionerà lo saprai anche se non vuoi, vista l'eco che avrà. ma, permettimi, in questo caso le motivazioni per essere dubbiosi ci sono tutte,
  8. atob

    User deleted

  9. pat2

    User deleted


    vale quanto dice cripto. nessuno e' onnisciente, ma vi e' una capacita' di analisi che in funzione di una conoscenza pregressa -piccola- permette di dare indicazioni.

    Poi ognuno e' libero di provare il prodotto. Magari tentando una sinergia con la spazzola Hairmax lasercomb...d'altronde se leggi il mio disclaimer.....
  10. pat2

    User deleted

    sono stato su hairsite per vedere le loro considerazioni.
    mi sembrano abbastanza scettici. solo 1 acquistera'.
    mi ha colpito la considerazione di un utente storico benji, anch'egli scettico sul prodotto, a partire dall'analisi delle foto mostrate:

    When somebody has a real working solution, they will have multiple pictures of "wow" results. They may be working in the right direction here, but they must not be "there" just yet.

    tale considerazione vale per questo prodotto, ma anche per qualsiasi altro prodotto (TRC-ICX, Curis, Aderans,...)!!!
  11.     Like  

    Advanced Member


    si pat, penso anch'io così. se una procedura o un prodotto hanno reale efficacia, al momento della commercializzazione su larga scala, verremo sommersi di documentazione.. non la solita fotina del vertex, ancora un bel po diradato e pettinato un po diversamente per fare "bella impressione"..
  12. -Ronald-

    User deleted

    che vuol dire acquaisterà? non è un procedimento che si fa in clinica?
  13.     Like  


    Akumal - Mexico

    Imagine a "chemical messenger" that can enter skin cells and send a signal, teaching it to be young again. In time, the skin will begin to feel naturally rejuvenated, tighter and younger without surgery. Superficial blemishes and pigmentation will reverse itself, leaving the complexion flawless and young. Now The Sloane Clinic is offering treatments using AAPE, a stem cell protein extract that is able to deliver just that.

    Singapore (PRWEB) August 29, 2007 -- Imagine a "chemical messenger" that can enter skin cells and send a signal, teaching it to be young again. In time, the skin will begin to feel naturally rejuvenated, tighter and younger without surgery. Superficial blemishes and pigmentation will reverse itself, leaving the complexion flawless and young. Now The Sloane Clinic is offering treatments using AAPE, a stem cell protein extract that is able to deliver just that.

    Stem cells have the unique characteristic of "plasticity" -- they have the ability to give rise to all of the different tissues of the human body. In general, stem cells have two distinguishing characteristics: They are unspecialized, in that they can clone themselves without limit; and they can differentiate into many cell types with specific functions.

    As you know, no treatment is able to freeze time as our bodies and skin is subjected to many environmental assaults daily, but this treatment certainly comes close
    Recently, scientists have discovered that human adipose (fat) tissue has a higher concentration of adult stem cells than any other tissue in the body. In fact, a given volume of adipose tissue contains 1,000 times more stem cells than the same volume of bone marrow -- 500 mL of fat can yield approximately 200 million stem cells. Stem cells have many unique applications in science and medicine, but this is the first time, protein extract derived from stem cells are used in the field of cosmetic dermatology.

    In July 2007, facial and scalp rejuvenate therapies using AAPE was introduced at The Sloane Clinic in Singapore. AAPE (advanced adipose-derived stem cell protein extract) is a mixture of refined growth factor proteins that is extracted from human adipose-derived stem cells. AAPE uses proteins or chemical messengers that are extracted from stem cells found in human fat tissue. These messengers, when deposited or absorbed into the skin or scalp if that were the case, would then send a signal to cells in the skin teaching them to regenerate.

    "In a very simplistic way, we are basically using this product to tell your skin to be young again," says Dr. Low Chai Ling, Aesthetic Physician of The Sloane Clinic, Singapore, one of the first doctors in Singapore to offer this treatment to her patients with overwhelming response.

    "These AAPE cells are extracted from human adipocytes (fat cells) during the process of lipoaspiration (fat suction) and they contain the maximal number of stem cells in the human body. By cultivating these regenerative cells in test-tubes, we can establish cell lines which will serve as a reservoir of stem cells for anti-ageing and aesthetic therapies far superior than traditional methods of synthetic chemicals," she added.

    Stem Cell as a Therapy
    Stem-cell therapy can be viewed as a way to restore embryonic potential to a patient's aged or damaged cells. The goal of stem-cell therapy in aesthetic surgery would be to regenerate aging tissue. (of the face or scalp)

    AAPE is the protein messengers extracted from these stem cells, and hence AAPE have the innate ability to rearrange, change, or repair local tissues significantly and rapidly. One of the most promising uses for AAPE may be the regeneration of facial fat that has been lost through the natural aging process -- facial fat atrophy. AAPE to could not only replace lost facial volume, but may also be able to rejuvenate the face by regenerating the skin from the inside out.

    AAPE on the scalp can also help with the regeneration of ageing hair follicles and help stimulate hair growth and reverse the effects of balding without the need for hair transplant surgery.

    A session will take about 30 minutes with multiple tiny punctures and most will begin to see the effects from your 3rd session onwards. Most patients will do a series of 6 sessions initially to prime their skin for long lasting anti-ageing effects.

    "As you know, no treatment is able to freeze time as our bodies and skin is subjected to many environmental assaults daily, but this treatment certainly comes close," says Dr. Low Chai Ling.

    Safety and Efficacy
    AAPE which is the growth factors derived from stem cells harvested from human fat cells have been certified safe by CTFA (Cosmetic. Toiletry and Fragrance Association) as an approved cosmetic ingredient (Sep/13/2006). It has also been registered with INCI as human adipocyte conditioned media extract. This product is patented. (Patent registration number: PCT/KR2006/004111).

    Stem Cell Facial and Scalp Therapy -- Miracle Facial?
    Overall, stem cells raise the prospect of regenerating the aging face from the inside out, and thereby have the potential to change the entire practice of facial rejuvenation in the future. Stem Cell Facial Therapy for anti-ageing and intense facial rejuvenation purposes (reduction in wrinkles, pigmentation, evening of skin colour, closure of pores and softening and tightening ) costs around USD$600* per session. Stem Cell Scalp Therapy to regrow hair and reverse balding costs around USD$550*. Hair regrowth is usually seen in 6 sessions, 2 weeks apart.

    For most, this is a leap in aesthetic advancement that is going to revolutionalize the cosmetic industry. And this will bring people a step closer to their anti-ageing ideal with the least amount of effort in the long run.

    After all, pretty is what you are born with. But beautiful, that's an equal opportunity.

    *Prices accurate at time of print but may be subjected to change.

    Dr. Low Chai Ling is an aesthetic physician and the medical director of The Sloane Clinic, Singapore.

    For more information on this and other treatment, please visit
    For general enquiries, please email enquiries
    For press and media enquiries, please email marcom

    "AAPE on the scalp can also help with the regeneration of ageing hair follicles and help stimulate hair growth and reverse the effects of balding without the need for hair transplant surgery"


    "Stem Cell Scalp Therapy to regrow hair and reverse balding costs around USD$550*. Hair regrowth is usually seen in 6 sessions, 2 weeks


    Scalp Therapy:

    What are Stem Cells and what can they do for my hair loss?

    Stem Cells are cells that retain the ability to renew themselves. AAPE is the Protein Extract from these stem cells. AAPE stands for Advanced Adipocyte Protein Extract and is a mixture of growth factors that come from stem cells that is harvested from fat.

    AAPE uses proteins or chemical messengers if you will, that are extracted from stem cells found in human fat tissue. These messengers, when deposited or absorbed into the skin or scalp if that were the case, would then send a signal to your cells in your skin teaching them to regenerate. In a very simplistic way, we are basically using this product to tell your skin to be young again! On the scalp, they will lead to hair regrowth, hair thickening and reversal of the initial stages of balding.

    Apart from this, there are no preservatives used in this preparation, which means that it is mixed and activated only at the time of usage. Because it is devoid of impurities, we are able to use it in a couple of ways, - either as a topical application, but more favorably and popularly as superficial injections into the skin, delivering it to exactly where we want it to work.
    Who is this treatment suitable for?

    Anyone who suffers from balding and would like to reverse the balding process. Anyone who would like to rejuvenate the scalp and strengthen or thicken their existing hair is also suited to treatment.

    Is this treatment safe and are there side effects?

    The protein extracts from stem cells that are used in this treatment has been certified safe for use by the FTFA (cosmetic Toiletry Fragrance Association) and INCI (International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient). These protein extracts are derived from stem cells that are harvested from fat and not embryos, and so there isn't any ethical issues surrounding its use.

    How is the treatment like ?

    The treatments takes 40 minutes and is painless. You can wear continue with normal activities as before.

    What can I expect after the treatment?

    In about 8 weeks after the start of the treatment, you will notice hair regrowth, hair thickening, and a reduction in hair loss.

    How often do I have to do this?

    It is recommended that the treatment be done 2 weekly for 6 sessions. Thereafter, you can come back from time to time to repeat the treatment to maintain your hair and scalp in the optimal condition as needed.

  14. rummenigge

    User deleted

    come ringiovanimento facciale quanto sopra sembra avere un senso, una specie di botox all'ennesima potenza. per i capelli, sono un attimo più scettico...

    se qualcuno volesse provare... due settimane di permanenza a singapore, e 400 euro per il trattamento... curiosità.

  15. -Ronald-

    User deleted

    fosse stato in europa si poteva anche fare, ma a singapore devi essere stra motivato per andarci
18 replies since 29/8/2007, 18:15   889 views
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