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  1. cameron-is-God

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    Interessante soprattutto constatare come il dosaggio a 0,1 mg di dutasteride equivale per risultati a quelli di una compressa preparata con 5 mg di finasteride.

    Considerando l'emivita della dutasteride e tralasciando momentaneamente gli effetti collaterali, questo porta a pensare che una posologia di una compressa di Avodart ogni tre-quattro giorni, comporti risultati migliori per l'AA di una terapia con Propecia (finasteride 1 mg).

    Avodart controlled study

    A phase II multi-center, double blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted on 416 males with AGA , ages 21 to 45 years, to evaluate the dose response relationship of Avodart on hair growth.

    Repeated doses of Avodart (0.05 mg, 0.1mg, 0.5mg, and 2.5 mg daily) were compared to placebo for 6 months. Safety and tolerability of the varying dose of Avodart and finasteride 5 mg daily compared with placebo were also investigated.

    The most common drug-related adverse events were decreased libido experienced by 13% of subjects receiving Avodart 2.5 mg/day, followed by howdahes experienced by 8% of the Avodart 0.1 mg/day group and 6% of the Avodart 0.5 mg/day and 2.5 mg/day group.

    In studying a 0.79 square inch target mean hair counts decreased for placebo treated patients.

    At 24 weeks hair counts were:

    62 for Avodart 0.05 mg/day,

    66 for Avodart 0,1 mg/day,

    95.5 for Avodart 0.5 mg/day,

    109.8 for Avodart 2.5 mg/day,

    73.2 for finasteride 5 mg/day,

    -29.6 for placebo.

    Avodart was discontinued at the 24 week mark. Hair counts were then reassessed at the 36 week mark (12 weeks after stopping Avodart and Finasteride). Mean hair counts decreased for Avodart 0.05 mg/day, Avodart 0.1 mg/day, Finasteride 5 mg/day and placebo during the drug free time. Improvement in hair counts was maintained for Avodart 0.5 mg/day and Avodart 2.5 mg/day 12 weeks after discontinuing the medication.

    In studying a 0.79 square inch target mean hair counts decreased for placebo treated patients progressively.

    At 36 weeks (12 weeks after stopping Avodart and Finasteride) hair counts were:

    -17.1 for Avodart 0.05 mg/day,

    16.8 for Avodart 0,1 mg/day,

    84.3 for Avodart 0.5 mg/day,

    119.8 for Avodart 2.5 mg/day,

    13.2 for finasteride 5 mg/day,

    -37.3 for placebo.

    Ancora su dutasteride.

    Drugs or products that block DHT are efficient to stabilize hair loss progression.In few cases people reported regrowth(I think 2% of patients).Minoxidil produces same hairs with bigger shaft caliber;wich gives you more volume and an impression of regrowth.
    I am like you concern of any extra benefit with avodart and it's unconclusive so far.But I had 3 patients who testified that switching from propecia to Avodart improve their conditions.Avodart is stronger than propecia .If propecia doesn't work for you, try the combination of Avodart and minoxidil.Also ,try to include in your diet some vitamins as biotin,Vit. E and vit C.
    I will wait before to jump in hair transplant surgery.

    Dr. Patrick Mwamba,MD
1231 replies since 30/11/2005, 10:21   79841 views
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