Dr.Ron Shapiro: Considerazioni sulla micropigmentazione

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    Akumal - Mexico

    Una traduzione del testo sarà inserita a breve:

    I would like to share the limited experience I have had with this technique so far.

    I was first exposed to this technique when a patient about a year ago. An old patient of mine had had it done and came into my office. I had last seen him 17 years ago. He had been a repair case. At that time he wore a hair piece due to poor hair transplant at another clinic that left him with multiple scars in the donor area, a depleted donor area, and poor growth on top. He had very little donor left. 17 years ago we had very little options for him and what we decided was to do a hairline in front of his hair piece so at least the hair piece would look more natural. It worked well and I did not see him for the last 17 years

    About a year ago he walked into my office without the hair piece, his head shaved, and with the micro pigmentation. I was surprised at how it looked…. much better than I had expected this to look. From about 3 feet it looked like a person had shaved his head and let it grow for about a week...like stubble. It was very hard to see the scars. I did not like the look of the hairline...to abrupt. This type of hairline made sense in a young afro American but not an older Caucasian. In addition when I was closer than 3 feet I could tell there was something wrong because it had no depth. HOWEVER this patient liked this look. He was happy…He felt much better about himself.

    I had the same concerns that have been expressed above about the dye changing color, what happens if he turns grey, what would happen if this was done on a younger person and then they lost their hair

    But I could also see the potential for how it could help at least a sub population of HT patients. This sub population includes:
    · Patient with donor scars that prevent them from cutting their hair short
    · Patients who have done transplants but who still look thinner than they like. The reason for this could be one of many: poor donor supply, fine hair, poor growth, etc.
    Over the last year I have sent 6 patients who were in the above situation to have the micro pigmentation done. Because they were almost out of donor, they had very few options so we felt comfortable trying this.

    My experience so far is that these patients are very happy with their early experience. It was especially good for hiding donor scars...even with the hair short. It made them more comfortable with the appearance of density on the top as it blended with their old transplanted hair.

    In some cases the micro pigmentation enabled me to get a little more donor out because the donor area looked so much better and the new harvesting would be hidden.
    In addition I was careful to instruct the clinic doing the work to stay about 1 cm behind the hairline and fade away into it as I do not think it looks good at the hairline. I think this helped a lot.

    I think over time this technique has the potential to be a good adjunct to be used with HT.
    But we have to move slow and be careful and I am glad there are physicians with a lot of experience in HT exploring it like Dr Rassman.

    Here are a summary of my thoughts and a few precautions I have at this time:
    · I don’t think it is good as a primary treatment for a patient that is beginning to thin because he will be stuck with it after he balds and may not like the look. He will then be forced to do a HT
    · I also do not currently like it as a primary treatment for a bald patient because I don’t think it can create a good hairline.
    · With respect to the HT fading....Even if it faded in 4 years and they had to do it again the patients I talked were ok with this compared to where they were before having to use dermatch daily. A bigger concern was that it would change color over time.
    · With respect to color change…I don’t have a good feel for that at this time. Some of the patients I saw who had been out 2-3 years had a slight bluish or greyish tinge develop when I looked close…but surprisingly it did not affect the overall look and the patients were still happier than they were before the micro pigmentation I saw a man who had grey hair and with the light grey tattoo it made his hair salt and pepper looking…However I don’t have enough experience to know how much of a problem this will really be…and unfortunately the clinics I have worked with have not really helped me understand this.
    · I do think that it will be good for patients who have scars.
    · I do think that it may enable us to get more hair out of the donor to use on the recipient area in some patients
    · I think if one does it on top that it should only be done AFTER one has done hair transplants that have taken them 70 percent of where they want to go....this would be to improve them if they did not have enough donor to get them further
    · I think people that do this need to stay away from the hairline and learn how to fade away as they get close ( lowering density and lightening color)
    · I think that it is difficult to learn how to make the micropigmentation so it stays as a discrete pinpoint dot that imitates a stubble of hair.... there is a risk of it "bleeding" and coalescing which does not look good. This is dependent on the ink used, the needle used, the depth into the epidermis that the needle is inserted and probably other things. Dr Rassman would probably know more as he does this himself. I think a lot of clinics say they do it well….. But as was true with HT clinics in the past there are probably many don’t do it as well as they say. So until a good track record is developed by certain clinics I would say to be cautious.....
    One last note….this tattooing is not a discrete localized tattoo that would be noticed. When done it has to be done throughout the entire donor area or the entire recipient area so it creates a background….if it is done in a discrete localized area it would be noticeable.
    These are some of my thoughts so far....I will let you what I think as I continue to follow patients....for now I am only recommending it for patients that have very little choice.

    I will try and collect some photo to attach when these patients come back

    Ron Shapiro
  2. rummenigge

    User deleted

    lettura e considerazioni decisamente interessanti. speriamo di vedere anche qualcuna delle foto come anticipato dal dr. Shapiro.

  3. armitage87

    User deleted

    si cmq in soldoni riguardo al trico è anche daccordo ma solo su pazienti che purtroppo non sono glabri.
  4. Tanabubu-80

    User deleted

    BOLA ma perche' ti avrebbe fatto venire qualche dubbio????'

    riassumendo il pensiero di shapiro....a me pare che dica esattamente quello che diciamo sul forum da mesi....cioe' che la micropigmentazione e' ottima per coprire cicatrici e rinfoltire la dove la chirurgia non puo' piu' arrivare....ma che su nw elevati e' poco credibile perche' in airline resta sgamabile.....mi pare che abbia detto di consigliarla anche lui stesso a quei pazienti che son rimasti senza donor......lui la vede piu' come un complemento ad un HT piuttosto che una sostituzione(cosa tra l'altro ovvia visto che fa il chirurgo e deve tirare acqua al suo mulino.... :P :P )
  5. DuneVII

    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (Tanabubu-80 @ 12/7/2011, 05:28) 
    BOLA ma perche' ti avrebbe fatto venire qualche dubbio????'

    riassumendo il pensiero di shapiro....a me pare che dica esattamente quello che diciamo sul forum da mesi....cioe' che la micropigmentazione e' ottima per coprire cicatrici e rinfoltire la dove la chirurgia non puo' piu' arrivare....ma che su nw elevati e' poco credibile perche' in airline resta sgamabile.....mi pare che abbia detto di consigliarla anche lui stesso a quei pazienti che son rimasti senza donor......lui la vede piu' come un complemento ad un HT piuttosto che una sostituzione(cosa tra l'altro ovvia visto che fa il chirurgo e deve tirare acqua al suo mulino.... :P :P )

    ciao dove hai letto che Bola ha qualche dubbio ? non lo trovo :unsure:

    cmq anche io penso che a parte alcuni casi dove esce perfetta, è da usarsi come complemento
  6. Tanabubu-80

    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (DuneVII @ 12/7/2011, 07:21) 
    CITAZIONE (Tanabubu-80 @ 12/7/2011, 05:28) 
    BOLA ma perche' ti avrebbe fatto venire qualche dubbio????'

    riassumendo il pensiero di shapiro....a me pare che dica esattamente quello che diciamo sul forum da mesi....cioe' che la micropigmentazione e' ottima per coprire cicatrici e rinfoltire la dove la chirurgia non puo' piu' arrivare....ma che su nw elevati e' poco credibile perche' in airline resta sgamabile.....mi pare che abbia detto di consigliarla anche lui stesso a quei pazienti che son rimasti senza donor......lui la vede piu' come un complemento ad un HT piuttosto che una sostituzione(cosa tra l'altro ovvia visto che fa il chirurgo e deve tirare acqua al suo mulino.... :P :P )

    ciao dove hai letto che Bola ha qualche dubbio ? non lo trovo :unsure:

    cmq anche io penso che a parte alcuni casi dove esce perfetta, è da usarsi come complemento

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    Advanced Member

    Moderatore Globale
    Monza e Brianza

    Il tessuto cicatriziale è completamente diverso dal derma sano e pre questo la micropigmentazione mediamente più difficoltosa.
    Il discorso degli indigeni ormai lo ripeto da mesi.
  8. MARK1981

    User deleted

    ragazzi la trico e' un arma in piu ma nn e' la chiave,mi sembra logico.puo aiutare in nw elevati x affiancarsi ad una hl ricostruita cn la fue e qualche indigeno sparso x la cabeza.fare solo la trico e' sgamabile.
  9. Tanabubu-80

    User deleted

    tobbyno...ti do ragione,ma solo se porti i capelli rasati a lametta con pelo e contropelo,in modo che al tatto risulti liscio come un culetto di neonato.......solo che in questo modo il cambio di immagine risulterebbe davvero poco evidente.... <_< <_<
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    la trico è ottima per chi se la sente di fare e sente di stare bene con se stesso...che poi sia completamente pelato,debba coprire una cicatrice o leggermente diradato chissenefrega...

    la testa è della persona non di tutta la gente che ci guarda...quindi se tizio si tatua completamente la testa è sta bene con se stesso..il problema diventera' della gente che magari lo giudichera' "strano"...ergo per chi ha un po di cervello ed autostima risponderebbe E STI CAZZI??

    per gli altri che si sentissero a disagio,,bhe lo ripeto il problema non sono di certo i capelli....esistono gli specialisti!
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    Advanced Member

    Moderatore Globale
    Monza e Brianza

    Qualunque scelta estetica la si fa in funzione degli altri e per questo deve essere assolutamente ben ponderata.
    Sai cosa m'importerebbe se fossi l'unico uomo sulla terra dei miei capelli, nessuno m'andrebbe a giudicare.
  12. mato232

    User deleted

    Si, l'importante è piacersi, trovo interessante invece il discorso sul cambio di colore, sarebbe interessante saxe quanti ritocchi inmedia sid evno fare in 1 anno.
    poi quoto mark, ricordate che è 1 camo, non 1 trapianto,
11 replies since 5/7/2011, 01:03   1437 views
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